Zhafir VE 5 Series

Fully Electric Solution

Smart, high precision, premium Zhafir is revolutionizing the plastics machinery industry with its fifth generation: continuous quality and efficiency improvements, digital intelligence, and sustainable solutions. These innovations shape a new intelligent manufacturing format in injection molding, setting industry benchmarks and meeting customer needs at the highest level. The new Zhafir machine generation 5 combines numerous innovations at the highest level and paves the way to a new level in intelligent production.


Technology to the Point

Structural Optimization
Smart features
Controller & HMI
Strong Performance
Flexible Integration


Electric pre-molding with higher energy saving rate


Optical Industry

  • pecial plastics and precise control of the process parameters are essential to achieve optical quality for applications such as lenses or light guides

Medical Industry

  • From complex high-end applications in small series to so-called "high volumes“ with high cavities. From simple equipment with laminar flow box to production in a clean room environment.

Electronics Industry

  • Zhafir offers solutions for complex, thin-walled parts. Its technologies combine energy efficiency, high availability and maximum productivity to cope with theconstant pressure to innovate.




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